Chapter Executive Board Positions

Applications can be found here:
Shall preside over all meetings of this chapter and provide an agenda for each member at each regular meeting.
Shall serve as representative of this chapter.
Shall appoint and remove all chairpersons and members of all committees, except where otherwise provided for in this document, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.
Shall be responsible or designate someone to be responsible for reserving a place for each regular meeting during the academic year.
Shall determine the maximum number of members the chapter will be able to take to FRC and Annual Convention, and distribute that number in writing no later than the second general body meeting of the fall semester.
Shall attend the SAC Blueprint Training each semester.
Shall ensure that Parliamentary Procedure is observed and executed properly.
Shall meet with the Vice President for at least 30 minutes per week to ensure the chapter is executing chapter, zone, regional, and national objectives.
Shall meet with the Chapter Advisor at least once per month.
Vice President
Shall preside in the absence or the inability of the President.
Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to her by the President.
Shall submit Event Authorization Forms (HoyaLink) at least one week prior to all events
Shall submit room/space reservations at least one week prior to all events
Shall meet with the President for at least 30 minutes per week to ensure the chapter is executing chapter, zone, regional, and national objectives
If the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason during his elected term, the Vice President shall become the President until the President is able to return to his position or the term expires; thereby, creating a vacancy of Vice President.
Shall keep all official records of this chapter in the Google Drive folder except for those herein that the custody and control of shall be that of another office.
Shall submit a semester report to the Chapter, at the last regularly scheduled meeting that contains all the activities of the Chapter during the present quarter.
Shall forward an annual report to the Executive Board of the National Society before February 1st, of each year, summarizing the activities of the Chapter during the year and listing the elected officers.
Shall keep an accurate record of membership and attendance at Chapter meetings, outward events, and conferences.
Shall keep accurate minutes of each meeting.
Shall keep an accurate account of the Chapter's funds.
Shall collect all dues of the Chapter members and keep Google Drive folder up-to-date.
Shall forward all National Society dues of the Chapter members.
Shall submit a report to the Chapter members at least once a semester concerning the financial status of the Chapter, in writing.
Shall submit an annual report to the Executive Board of the National Society before February 1st of each year, giving a complete accounting of the Chapter's finances and reporting on such other matters as the Executive Board may require.
Shall be responsible for obtaining and/or maintaining a bank account in the name of this Chapter.
All monies received by the Treasurer shall be deposited in the Chapter's bank account, within five business days after such receipt, by the Treasurer.
Shall attend the SAC Blueprint Training each semester.
Conference Planning Chair(s)
Shall ensure by all means that the chapter is adequately represented at the following events:
Regional Leadership Conference (RLC)
Fall Zone Summit
Fall Regional Conference (FRC)
Spring Zone Summit
Annual Convention
Shall work closely with the treasurer and president to create budget and secure funds (through sponsorships, donations, and fundraising) for all conferences.
Shall work with the Executive Committee to determine an appropriate amount to request from chapter members wishing to attend various conferences.
Shall work with the CEB to design apparel for RLC, FRC, and Annual Convention.
Shall ensure the secretary receives all chapter chants in time to distribute them before the mandatory meetings directly preceding conferences.
Publications/Public Relations Chair
Shall assist in the development and implementation of innovative, efficient, and effective marketing campaigns.
Shall maintain (updating frequently) the chapter social media accounts
Chapter Website
Shall design flyers/ads for chapter events.
Shall coordinate the distribution of flyers, posters, and other materials with board members for posting around campus.
Shall work with secretary to ensure necessary materials (gifs, pictures, etc.) are accessible for all “In Case you Missed It” emails and other emails sent from the NSBE.GU email account.
Shall ensure that all chapter communications are approved by the President or Executive Board for approval.
Academic Excellence Chair
Shall plan weekly study tables and record attendance.
Shall coordinate with different TAs to plan exam review sessions for different ‘weed-out’ STEM classes (based on membership needs).
Shall coordinate with members to connect former class participants.
Shall promote attendance and participation at different academic events.
Freshman Representatives
Shall represent the STEM majors of their freshmen class by ensuring that their voices are heard in the planning of event, GBM themes, study table themes, etc.
Shall develop surveys, etc. to help the board better understand membership needs and results of different activities
Shall work with the board to plan events based on membership analysis/statistics
Shall attend the Annual Convention during their term, and act as a senator for the chapter, thus adhering to all requirements of chapter senators
Shall assist the board members with various tasks
Shall have the ability to create/plan/lead different events or activities.